Lets keep life (and self hypnosis steps) simple, shall we? After all, if you need to open your eyes to look at instructions every couple of minutes, you won't be in hypnosis, will you? The self hypnosis process on this page is designed for beginners who want to start with one set of simple techniques that are easy to learn, understand and remember.If you like them, and want to further your knowledge I recommend the audio program "How to Self Hypnosis" |
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For you, my dear beginner, I created the acronym “IDEAS” to help simplify the process
The very first self hypnosis step is the “induction.” "Induce" means getting into a relaxed focus state, often called Alpha. One of the easiest inductions to remember is simply to count backward from 20 to 1. By closing and opening your eyes on each count, your eyes will get tired and that slows down your brain waves and relaxes the mind.
Begin with your eyes open, staring at a spot on the wall or ceiling. Begin with the number 20. Eyes are open, say to yourself, “twenty.” Close your eyes and then open them again (Like an exaggerated blink,) say “nineteen,” blink “eighteen,” closing your eyes after you say the number and then opening them, until you get down to the number “one.”
An effective way to get more relaxed and go deeper is a technique known as progressive relaxation. Work your way from your toes to the top of your head, concentrating on and relaxing each part of your body, one at a time as you go. Use autosuggestion techniques to help you:
“I am relaxing my toes…. My toes are relaxed and I am going deeper. I am relaxing my feet… My feet are relaxed. I am relaxing my ankles and my calves. My ankles and calves are relaxed.”
Before you begin with any self hypnosis steps, have a goal in mind.
do you want to use the session for? Perhaps you want to build self
confidence, or do well in a presentation, sporting event or performance.
Perhaps you just want to relax and reduce stress, wake up without an
alarm clock, change your habits or beliefs. There are dozens of things
you can do with self hypnosis. And it is a good idea to have plan for
each session so you can stay focused.
Visualize the positive end result. Make your visualization bright, large and colorful. Use autosuggestion and affirmation. Hold the end result in your mind as long as you can by keeping the images moving, like a movie scene rather than a still picture. Make it dynamic so it can sustain your attention.
Lets say for for example, you want to build confidence and self esteem with self hypnosis, you may imagine yourself fulfilling the image of what self-confidence is to you. Perhaps, good posture, a confident look on your face, a strong voice, a radiant smile, a brisk, sure walk etc.
A very effective self hypnosis confidence technique is to yourself in various situations that you know will come up in the future with those qualities. Imagine yourself stepping into four or five different situations noticing what is different. As you visualize, use auto suggestion and positive affirmations, such as: “I am sure and confident,” “I enjoy expressing myself to others. People naturally respect and admire me, etc.”
This is a reminder for you to tell yourself how you want to feel when you come out of self hypnosis. Before you surface, it is a good idea to give yourself a suggestion like: ”in a moment I am going to count to 5 and come out of hypnosis. When I open my eyes I am going to feel energized and refreshed. ..”
This is the coming out process. A good,easy way to do that is to count upward from 1 to 5. In hypnosis it is always helpful to tell yourself mentally what you are going to do. Then do it and then affirm the positive results. For example: ” in a moment I am going to count to 5 and come out of hypnosis. When I open my eyes I am going to feel energized and refreshed. .. 1-2-3-4-5. Eyes Open. … I feel energized and refreshed.”
So if you already know how to count, all you need to remember for these self hypnosis steps is the acronym, IDEAS.
Doesn't get much simpler, does it?
If you are interested in learning more about Self Hypnosis, and acquiring advanced skills, I recommend you check out my "how to" self hypnosis audio program. Like all the programs I offer it comes with 100& money-back guarantee.
Free GUIDED Self Hypnosis audio when you register for our newsletter.
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